auto pilot

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

To find satisfaction starts with motivation


To find satisfaction starts with motivation. We frequently know what to do, yet we simply need to make a move to get things going. What I found, after some time, is that the more we know, the more we need to figure out, and the more we know, the likelier it is for us to feel both bliss and misery.

At the point when I was in my mid 20s, I realized I should find out about who I am, and what really matters to me so I can deal with it, however I found that this excursion requires quite a while, and presently, in my 30s, I'm actually figuring out more and furthermore coming into terms with new disclosures about myself and why I do what I do. In the wake of going through this self-examination, we can be more mindful, and afterward more in charge of what we decide to do and the explanations behind them, rather than passing on them to our programming. We should constantly consider the reason why we need what we need to know regardless of whether it merits attempting to get what it is we need.

Satisfaction isn't tied in with getting all that we need one day and simply being so satisfied and happy with life. Material belongings just go up to this point. What we genuinely need is human association and to feel cherished, comprehended, and really focused on. We should keep our loved ones close and become positive about our own value to feel deserving of that affection and consideration. In the wake of contemplating what our identity is and why we do what we do, we could find that there are issues with our self-acknowledgment and self-esteem that could as a matter of fact keep us from cherishing ourselves and other people.

It separates us and makes us hopeless, discouraged, and miserable. I was there.

There are certain individuals who can help us, however we need to let them. Simultaneously, we should proceed to continue and work on ourselves. We as a whole are meriting affection, joy, and care. Every one of our self-improvements is reflexive. They likewise apply to how we feel about others and thusly increment our ability for empathy. Every one of us is at various phases of this cycle, and a large number of us are ignorant. To become insightful can't be hurried or constrained. We should invest unprecedented measures of effort and invest a ton of energy thinking and reflecting. At the point when anybody says I'll be more joyful assuming that I think less, I have little to no faith in them. I accept we owe it to our very presence to thoroughly consider all that we can completely and to the end, despite the fact that we learn more consistently and there is something else to contemplate.

At some point, after this self-examination, we can feel great totally alone in a calm room with just our own contemplations. We have at last compromised with our internal personalities, fostered the mental fortitude to confront our inward evil spirits, and have a solid sense of reassurance and solid inside our own personalities and bodies. This is the groundwork of being constantly blissful. After this, the work we should place in each and every day will become like a propensity, and we can impart our joy to other people, and make their lives simpler, as they go on their own excursion.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

 How can I recover lost bitcoins or cryptocurrency?


To recuperate lost bitcoins or digital currency inside 1000 words, I will zero in on the most well-known ways of recuperating lost coins and the means you can take.

Assuming you lost your wallet secret key or PIN:

•             Attempt to recollect it. Your wallet secret phrase or PIN is the main line of safeguard for your coins, so it means quite a bit to attempt to recall it. Record it in a protected spot and keep it secret.

•             Utilize a secret word recuperation instrument. Most wallets offer a secret word recuperation instrument that can assist you with recovering admittance to your wallet in the event that you lose your secret key. This instrument commonly includes producing a seed expression, which is a rundown of words that you can use to reestablish your wallet.

•             Reestablish your wallet from a reinforcement. On the off chance that you have a reinforcement of your wallet record, you can reestablish it to another wallet to recuperate your coins. Try to store your wallet reinforcement in a protected spot.

Assuming that you lost your wallet record:

•             Reestablish your wallet from a reinforcement. On the off chance that you have a reinforcement of your wallet document, you can reestablish it to another wallet to recuperate your coins.

•             Utilize an information recuperation instrument. On the off chance that you don't have a reinforcement of your wallet record, you might have the option to recuperate it utilizing an information recuperation device. In any case, this isn't effective all of the time.

Assuming you lost your confidential keys:

•             Import your confidential keys into another wallet. In the event that you have a reinforcement of your confidential keys, you can bring them into another wallet to recuperate your coins.

•             Contact the trade or wallet supplier. On the off chance that you lost your confidential keys for a custodial trade or wallet, you might have the option to reach them to check whether they can assist you with recuperating your coins. In any case, there is no assurance that they will actually want to help.

Assuming you sent your coins to some unacceptable location:

•             Contact the beneficiary. Assuming that you sent your coins to some unacceptable location, you can attempt to contact the beneficiary and check whether they will return your coins. Nonetheless, this isn't effective 100% of the time.

•             Utilize a recuperation administration. There are various organizations that offer crypto recuperation administrations. These administrations can endeavor to recuperate your coins in the event that you send them to some unacceptable location. In any case, these administrations can be costly and there is no assurance that they will find success.

Employing a crypto recuperation administration:

•             Properly investigate things. There are various organizations that offer crypto recuperation administrations, yet not every one of them is trustworthy. Make certain to do all necessary investigations and pick an organization with a decent history.

•             Be ready to pay. Crypto recuperation administrations can be costly. Be ready to pay a huge expense on the off chance that you recruit a recuperation administration.

•             Be reasonable. There is no assurance that a crypto recuperation administration will actually want to recuperate your coins. Be sensible about your odds of coming out on top prior to employing a recuperation administration.

Here are a few hints to assist you with trying not to lose your bitcoins or digital money in any case:

•             Store your confidential keys disconnected. This implies putting away them on an equipment wallet or paper wallet.

•             Never share your confidential keys with anybody.

•             Utilize areas of strength for your wallet and empower two-factor validation.

•             Back up your wallet documents and confidential keys consistently.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Against corona4

Our man circled around himself and do as the men of sofi when they moved their heads right at once and to the left at another mention
ALLAH IS A LIVE "at high voice . Then when the majesty included them ,they moved all upper trunk one at the right, second to the left.
He did like them and talked loudly. While the fat nurse chased the thin nurse at the corridor. She looked like the Hippopotamus chased the salmon fish. He stpped for a moment watching that chase and he imagined the floor tended to the right when that fat pushing her leg on the floor and tended to the left when it put her other leg. He feared. His feeling increased. He returned to the sofi movement with high voice. This voices got great noise and one of treating people wearing all protection material coming.when he shouted at our man ,he did not stop and still mentioned> 'ALLAH IS GREATER, ALLAH IS ALIVE"
The man did not stop and continuous in doing this mention of the God
The healing man shouted again. He did not stop. He wore completely protection tools, but he feared to touch him. The medical man ordered<' if he do not stop, he  will call the security men"
The man completed his mention of his God as he might forget the fact or the present. He might also get a slightly shock when he discovered how the great enemy he faced as he saw the horror on the fat nurse and how she wanted to punish her friend or her colleague. Her tale of the ability or the base of the hospitals to face that virus is not sufficient might get him khozaibiliah or madness mode for slightly. He might face the fact that he had to be injured as he touched his friend.
The medical or healing man phoned the security. for great amazement, they came at very speed while the nurse was calling the curing team, they did not come. The man smiled and continuous in mention his God so strong and moved violently. 
For a great surprise of the healing man, the security men stood and watched him. They were as the men who wanted to share his mention as they all now believe there is no authority protecting them except Allah.
They stood looking. After a while some of them got of their shoes and stood in wide circle around the man and the medical person. 
They all mentioned the God at high voices. That noise made the all patient and medical and security and after wards the great stuff of the hospital to look out what was going on1
They found the all corridor fell with raws who mentioned their God at louds.
The manager of the hospital shouted at them, but his voice with like a small droplet with high violently nnd anger waves of the ocean. They still mentioned. after their power get to the end. Our man began to pray to the God"
Oh our God! Help us to get safe, help the world to be safe, do not let that damned virus get us with any harm
We all obey you, and who were Disobedient will surely obey you. We pray to you as the ant of your prophet Sulaiman did, when the rain s were not ascending. Salmon got out with all his nation and his soldiers to ask their god to get the rain. This prophet had the ability to know the languages of other creatures as insects, birds, or animals. 
He looked at the ant who lifted its two forward legs and prayed to the God saying, "OH! Allah do not hurt us with the guilty of human bodies. They did great sins1"
Solomon told his nation to return that ant asked its God what they must do.
The rains got down"
So pray to your God"

Friday, March 27, 2020

Against Corona 3

He stayed and the nurse came and looked at him. She noticed that he was not the patina who was here. She asked, ''where does he go?
He answered to the toilet!"
She asked, "Then, I will wait!"
He said," why? If you want to give him some medicine, give it to me!"
She laughed and said," do you take them instead of him!"
He laughed and said," no! I will keep them until he returned!"
She said,'' but there is an injection," she asked, "do you give the injection?"
He murmured and said," yes, yes of course!"
She looked with astonishment and sighed," oh! You do not wear the muzzle!
And you touched his things! Stretch your arm!"
She went out and screamed," an injured person! Come here!"
He expected that the great arm of doctors and nurses would come. But some minutes approximately to half an hour was passed.
The fat nurse and then approached and the fat could hardly enter the door and the thin smiled. The thin was beautiful and had an amazement smile while the other was so hard and had tough and had coarse sound.
She said," stretch your arm!"
In spite of knowing that health care is so worst in public hospitals as he was not a famous person or he does not belong to any ranked people who represented these rich, diplomatic, and so on. He agreed to get satisfied.
The man did and she injected him. Her hand was so heavy, that he screamed.
He laughed as she danced and said," what awful men!"
She pushed him at his chest. He was fallen at the bed. Another said," Stretch your arm!"
He answered with amazement," but I am not sick"
she said, "but there is some medicine you must leaf this room to your room until the tests come! It will be good if God will"
In spite of his will he stretched his arm as he told himself if she ordered him to throw himself he will do!
Her hand was so light and the injection does not hurt him. He said,'' you give me so easy, you must have cute hands as your smart face!'
The fat laughed with mockery and said," all men have wolf spirit and look at us like dear or sheep!"
He screamed and said looking at her, "at you! As the cows!"
She said with great shout," cows, you and your …"
The smart one put her hand that wore glove and said," do not share this bad speech!
The fat was astonishment and jumped as one saw the dangerous snake saying," you put your dirty and injected glove over my mouth!"
She spat a lot everywhere and shouted at her, damning her and the day they meet. She screamed, 'Bad and awful woman! You deserve to get divorced! How do you eager to put your bad and dirty hand over my mouth?
She completed," damned on you and on your face and on your day we met!"
She cried and said, 'you knew the Quarantine is at place wide of her and hospital has not enough apparatuses to face this harm."



Wednesday, March 11, 2020

corona fear

Against Corona 2

Now he heard the cell phone rang. He went so fast. The phone from his friends worked with him at the same company. He was told that his dearest friend was taken to the fever hospital as he was caught by the disease. Infected and his neighbors told the security authority as the people got great feared as the great monster.
When he transported there he met the nearest neighbor. When he asked the nearest trader to his friend's home. The man looked feared and screamed with telling to be wide.
When he was wide and asked about his friend. He was told that he was taken to the hospital and the friend's wife and his sons and daughters were moved to their countryside. They were dealt with as germs. He moved to the hospital. He could not reach his friend. So he telephoned him. For his bad luck, there was no answer. He knew that they prevented any communications. He wondered and shouted, "why?'
They told him," for security purposes!"
The money had his upper word. He could reach the room he was in. He could knock the door as the door was firmly closed and he could not open it. After some knocks, he could have heard a weak voice on another side of the door. When his friend knew him, His friend cried a lot and told him he was dealt with as the criminal as they dealt him as he was the prisoner. He told his friend to be patient. He looked everywhere and could enter the nearest room and look everywhere and could open the window and walked off the trim of the outer of the building. He did not do that before. He had to do to strengthen and return the high spirit of his friend as he knew the high spirit could face any danger and stood against any harmful.
He might expose to be fallen from this height and get dead. He was patient and got his balance and finally, he could enter his friend's room. His friend wanted to embrace him but they got wide as there was a great enemy between them. They did not even shake their hands.
After his crying, the door was opened and the man was hiding. The nurse got in wearing muzzle and hand gloves. She put some medicine and showed him how to take them. She was out.
The man ordered him in signs not to take it. He looked at the medicines and knew that one of them was antibiotics. He screamed and ordered his friend not to take it as the antibiotic destroy and decrease the natural immunity. He searched for pen and paper and finally got them. He wrote some medicines and some natural food. He had to change the clothes with him. He could open the room's door and let him out. He stayed instead of him.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Against corona 1

The people got interested while the man completed his speech. The man said," Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans.  In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19."
One asked, "What is the Covid-19?"
He answered," COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019."
Other asked," What is the symptoms of the Covoid-19:?"
He answered," The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment. Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. People with fever, cough and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention."
The third asked, "how does Covid-19 spread?"
He answered," People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person. Other people then catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. People can also catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets. This is why it is important to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick.
WHO is assessing ongoing research on the ways COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share updated findings."

The same person asked,"    Can the virus that causes COVID-19 be transmitted through the air?

He answered," Studies to date suggest that the virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets rather than through the air.  See previous answer on “How does COVID-19 spread?”

One asked,"  Can CoVID-19 be caught from a person who has no symptoms?

He answered," The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low. However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.  WHO is assessing ongoing research on the period of transmission of COVID-19 and will continue to share updated findings.